Monday, September 24, 2012

Philly: (full) day 2 9/23/12

I expanded my vocabulary last night when I met a fellow future PCV,  Veronica and her friend Uriel: Wawa-(n) [wah-wah]-establishment with freakin' delicious 24/7 convenience store chain meatball subs. We went downtown Philly and had some beers, and exchanged our thoughts about he next two years of our lives. We got to talkig about the Peace Corps. It's no surprise that both Veronic and I echoed each other's hopes, concerns, incredulity of our imminent trip and our excitement. She told me about blogs that she'd read in which a PCB teacher walked into her first day of class to see 400 faces staring back at her. We discussed another example of a volunteer that had left a year early out of frustration with administrative corruption and student cheating problems.
I wonder what will be written here. No doubt they'll reflect difficulties and pleasures alike. I wonder about the words that'll describe the experiences. What kinds of experiences will I write about? What awaits me in Africa? I'll see in a couple days!

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